Try to use maximum as possible as

For All New And Existing Home Owers / Offices / Builders : See The points 

1)  Natural Light & Ventilation should be utilized to the best,  by selecting the location of Windows, doors, gallery, cupboard etc.

2)  Sunlight source shall be used as best as possible. Sun movement is from East to West, keeping somewhat in degree ( not exactly 90 degree angle) and also it will move some what from north to south as per season.

3)  Wind Current is in the direction of North - South direction . Hot air Always goes upward. Put Openin of small sizes , say 6 / 8 / 9 inch sqaure at the top of the wall for exhaust hot air. Put window at low level for fresh air entry, and if possible put some green plant in pot in low level window, so that air enters inside the room will transfer heat green leaf and gets colder before entering the room.

4) Use the Color , which has good light reflection ( majority light colors, white is the best). Avoid the use of color , which absorb the light ( majority dark color).  Select color all the paints, curtains, tiles (floor & wall), Mountings, cupboard doors everywhere.

5)  Use white flooring for maximum light reflection.

6)  Make inside wall of all the cupboard with white color or if possible use white color ceramic tile for best reflection. It will be easy to clean also and maintain good hygeine &  Low light source will give good result .

7) Never use black color for platform top. As it absorb all the light source and it provide space for insect , mosquito to hide in black color. 


8) Avoid  nailing in anywhere Colum & Beam, as it will  disturb the load transfer pattern.  Also do not use nail in the wall , as it will make your wall weak at that point and also some time if it touches to concealed wiring , it may become danger for life.

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