If You are doing Job and your Salary is above tax limit  then you are paying to Government , If supposed you lost your job or your company is closed and you are not getting job , what shall be the role of Govt. to whom you had paid I.Tax from your income. Is there any Social Security.

Same thing is applicable for Business people, they are paying also paying I.Tax. But when you are not getting busines, what shall be the role of Govt to whom you had paid I.Tax.

Tax Paid By You - Utilized by Whom & Where
1) Various Developmental Work of Country
2) Basic Infrastructure Facities, Utilities, Services,
 Its  Development by the Govt.
3) Subsidy Given to Various Areas
4) Fund Given to Our Elected members to spend on Various local developmental activities
5) Salaries , paid to all the Govt. Employee and Pension to them
6) Security Guard to all VIP's including Politicians

Pollution in the Kitchen

Find the source of CO-CO2 Gase - During Burner On-

Keep away Danger Gases by Providing Exhaust fan.

Use Nature
 Grow useful Medicinal , Fruits Plants in your society, towns, public places, Villages

  Magnetic Therapy

For Drinking Water  - Hair Oil Treatment for Improove Quality


  Electrical Safety

Make your home Electrical safe in the event of

1)  Current leakage - Give proper Earthings

2)  Short Circuit - Put ELCB

3)  High & Low Voltage : Use Voltage Controller

Do you know how much Volage is Required

We required 220V(average), high voltage around 245-255, results in to high bill, How, find out ?

 We have few ideas for above,  for more info : mail to us---

Your ideas are also welcome , send to us, we will spread it to all and creat awareness.

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